2024 Webinar Series:

Engaging Young Learners with Authentic Resources and Motivation Techniques

Your participation is much appreciated!

About the Speaker

Luciana Fernández is a graduate teacher of English and a teacher educator who has 30 years´ experience in the field of education. She has specialized in Methodology, Teaching Practice, Early Years Education, Literacy and Critical Thinking. She holds a Diploma in Educational Research from University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education. She has also two postgraduate certifications in Teaching for Comprehension and Thinking Cultures (FUNDACIES, Colombia). 

Luciana has presented at numerous congresses and conventions both nationally and internationally and was awarded an IATEFL scholarship in 2016. 

She is a Senior Academic Consultant for Pearson Languages and at present she is an Educational Advisor at several bilingual schools locally and internationally. She has been both a teacher and Head teacher at several institutions in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and has been a teacher trainer at ESSARP (English Speaking Scholastic Association of the River Plate) for the past twenty years. 

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